Post by STORMDANCER on Oct 11, 2011 8:53:07 GMT
Yesterday I decided to make some 'Spell Stars', this is something that has been in my family for a long time but I do have to admit I have not made them for a few years.They are pretty easy to make and very versatile ....You can use them for a lot of different things but mainly I use them for spells. I took some pics as I made them as I thought it may help if anyone wants to have a go themselves.
Ok so what you need to make them is apple sauce, I like to use the unsweetened kind and so there are no chemicals and things in it...all natural ingredients etc.
Now apples are known as ' fruits of the Gods' so apple sauce is perfect for what we are going to be using it for.
Also we need ground cinnamon, this is good for protection, powers, success and spirituality. I also grind up some cinnamon sticks in my pestle and mortar just for that extra push of power.
So you take the apple sauce and the cinnamon and put them in a bowl and mix them together until they form a dough.. always add the cinnamon bit by bit as the mix can become very dry fast. Roll the dough out, and I sprinkle cinnamon powder down like you would do with flour when rolling it out. Take the shape you want, whatever shape you want to use, you can use a moon, a pumpkin etc but I like to make mine stars.
Cut out the shape and then put the spell stars on a drying rack so that they can dry out do not put these in the oven. I sometimes, and have done with a few of mine today, put a hole in them so that I can put a related coloured ribbon through for the person I am giving them too If I want, or I choose a ribbon that suits my needs in my home and hang the spell star in the room desired.
I think it's nice to make gifts of spell stars, I get a jar and I place 26 spell stars in , so that the person who gets the gift has 13 for each moon and 13 for the new moons as well...then decorate the jar in anyway you want.
Spell stars can be used in all the four elements, you can do spells with them with Water, Air, Earth and Fire. If you want to do a Fire spell take the dried star, empower it with your intent and , say your having a bombfire for Esbat or Yule etc or you have an open fire etc you empower the spell star with your intentions and throw it into the fire. For Air you can light a charcoal disc and use your couldron, break the spell star up and put it on the charcoal and it will smoulder like incense and that will be your Air spell.
You can also put your intentions and your spell into a spell star and put it into water if you are by a lake or a river/stream...this is Water...You may want to bury it in your garden, or in a pot of soil and keep watering it until it Disintegrates and then you can put it outside..this is Earth...also remember the speed at which the elements work when you are doing your spells etc.
Spell stars are great, you can use them for new moon, full moon, dark moon. Always pay attention to the moon cycle that you are in when you make these...If you make them in a wanning moon they are for banishing or taking something away...Today is a waxing moon so this will draw things to you, so I will mark the jars I store these in as waxing. It is good to have a store of these made at different moon phases.
If you were to make spell stars on a full moon, then you can use these for almost anything. You really have to take into account the energies that are going out around you when you make them. Also when you are mixing the apple and cinnamon together, think about what you want to use the spell stars for....Just as an example say you want to protect your car and you want to put one in the car, why dont you use a car shaped cutter....and also as you cut the shape think of safety and stability and good machanics etc, so that when you empower the car shape with your intentions of having a good running car, safe travel and everything like that you have put your intentions in through the whole process, the mixing, the ingredients, the rolling and shaping etc.
I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but when you place the stars on the drying rack make sure you turn them once or twice a day so they dry evenly because if you just leave them on one side the back will dry faster than the bottom, so try to flip them over often and they will dry evenly. They may take a day or two to dry but you will be able to tell once they have. They last a few years once dry and are very sturdy.
If anyone has any questions please ask...I really enjoy making these and they are a lovely gift to give at Samhain and Yule etc. Plus my house smells amazing anyway like I said focus your intentions, say, if you want them for... banishing, or empowering something, or protection, whatever, or just general good will....make sure that you think about that and put those intentions into the dough and into the actions as you are making them....get the moon cycles right too...If you do this you will ' pack a wack ' so to speak when you do your spells.
Peace and Love
Storm xxx